"Long ago, during the dawn of the world at each cycle, powerful elemental creatures known as Primals ruled and wandered freely. One day, the primal which makes its domain in the water, known as Leviathan, met for fierce combat with another known as Ifrit, a cunning, trickster primal that lives and breathes fire and is said to bleed magma. The clash was so fierce that it stretched across the planet. And over the water Ifrit's and Leviathans clashes led to the formation of new island territories. At the end of their long clash, their energy was so spent that Ifrit retreated into the earth and sleeps in its magma. Leviathan rested in the waters on the sea floor and the lingering magma hardened around it as it slept, taking its shape. This, with the several millenia of sediment piling on its body, led to the formation of the Leviathan Islands."
This is a short story that I created to motivate me through this project and to commit to the concept.
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